Effective Treatment Options for OCD

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental health disorder where a person gets stuck in a cycle of obsessions and compulsions. OCD can be a debilitating disorder, but luckily there are effective research supported treatment options.

Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP)

ERP is a type of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) that involves exposing yourself to the thoughts, images, objects and situations that make you anxious while refraining from any compulsions that neutralize or stop the fear. ERP is often initially conducted with the help of a trained therapist, who can help you gradually confront the things that you fear while simultaneously reducing and eventually stopping compulsions. Eventually you will do ERP on your own, and by engaging in exposures repeatedly you will learn that you can tolerate your anxiety and obsessions without engaging in compulsions. ERP is an evidence based treatment for OCD. Although initially ERP can be challenging, I have seen many clients overcome their OCD and regain their life after engaging in this treatment. Clients who have success with ERP gain confidence that they can handle their obsessions without engaging in avoidance and compulsions.

Inference Based CBT (I-CBT)

I-CBT is also an evidence based treatment for OCD that characterizes obsessions as abnormal doubts that arise due to inferential confusion. Inferential confusion is a faulty reasoning process where a person comes to a conclusion that isn’t consistent with reality. When a person is inferentially confused they distrust their senses, common sense and their sense of self and get absorbed in their imagination. I-CBT aims to correct this faulty thinking process which leads to resolution of the obsessional doubt. Additionally, I-CBT helps clients regain trust in their senses and sense of self. I-CBT does not require clients to do exposures, so it can be a great fit for individuals who have not benefitted from ERP or those who do not want to do exposure.


Medication can also help with OCD, and for many people the combination of medication and therapy is the most effective approach. Only a physician or psychiatrist can prescribe medication and you can learn more about medication options for OCD here.

Finding an OCD provider

There is hope if you struggle with OCD. It’s important to find a provider that has experience treating OCD with effective research supported methods. If you have OCD and you are looking for a therapist in California, please feel free to reach out to me for an initial consultation.

Check out my blog on how to find an OCD specialist.

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